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Margarine for crumbly dough

Description: Margarine for shortbread dough is intended for the manufacture of confectionery products, the technology of which provides for whipping margarine with sugar.

The range of margarines:
• «Delny», 80%, creamy. taste, universal, 20 kg;
• «Delny», 80%, for shortbread dough, 20 kg;
• «Delny», 80%, for sand. dough, cream, 15 kg;
• «Osoby» 80%, for shortbread dough, 20 kg.
Application: Margarine for shortbread dough is used to make kurabye cookies, shortbread cookies of various types, shortbread semi-finished products, cakes, cupcakes, oriental sweets and other pastry products.
Organoleptic characteristics: Taste and smell: clean, with a creamy tint, without extraneous tastes and odors.
Consistency: at a temperature of 20 ° C, homogeneous, plastic, the cut surface is slightly shiny. A product with a creamy vanilla flavor is produced by customer order.
Color: from light yellow to yellow, uniform throughout the mass.
Advantages of using:
• Excellent whipping with sugar;
• Friability and increase of the finished product during baking;
• Maximum preservation of the taste and aroma characteristics of the finished product;
• Additional yield by weight due to the introduction of more flour and water;
• Reducing the cost of products by removing egg products from formulations;
• Delicate golden color of the finished product;
• Obtaining a non-foamy and crumbly structure.

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