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Milk Fat substitute

Vegetable fat is a "Delny" substitute for milk fat Organoleptic indicators: Taste and smell: clean, without extraneous tastes and odors. Consistency: at a temperature of 20 °C: homogeneous, plastic, the cut surface is slightly shiny, a matte cut surface is allowed. Color: from white to yellow, uniform throughout the mass. Keeping: In warehouses or cold rooms with constant air circulation, the shelf life is the storage temperature, °C months from -15 to -1 : 12 months From 0 to +5 : 8 months Appointment: • combined dairy products; • confectionery and bakery products; • Cooking; • for complete or partial replacement of milk fat in production: o creamy vegetable, vegetable cream spreads; o vegetable milk cream, sour cream, yoghurts, condensed milk, milk; o margarine; o fermented dairy products, cheeses, cheeses Product Advantages: • Allows you to replace milk fat in formulations. This reduces the cost of production and increases the profitability of production. • ZMJ has a long shelf life. • Ease of use; • High oxidation resistance • Resistance to temperature fluctuations and bacterial spoilage; • Lack of cholesterol. Characteristics of finished products using the product: • optimal content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are essential components of a healthy diet; • ice cream made on the basis of a milk fat substitute has a uniformly crystallized consistency; • the problem of the appearance of a "soapy taste" in ice cream has been eliminated. Packing: 20 kg, box

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