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«Delny» margarine for puff pastry, 80%

• 80%, classic 282-002. ST TOO;
• 80%, for machine rolling, 282-001 ST LLP;
• 80%, for manual rolling, 282-003 ST TOO;
• 80%, 282-02B ST TOO, (layers of 2 kg.)
Scope of application: Margarine for puff pastry is intended for the preparation of classic puff pastry, croissants, frozen semi-finished products from yeast and non-yeast dough. It does not allow the layers to stick together during the process of multiple lamination and rolling, acting as a separating barrier film.
Organoleptic parameters: Taste and smell: clean, with a creamy tint, without foreign tastes and odors. The consistency at a temperature of 20 °C +/-2 is dense, homogeneous, plastic, the cut surface is slightly shiny. Color: from light yellow to yellow, uniform throughout the mass.
Advantages of using:
• Does not stick together between rolling stages;
• Margarine is convenient when rolling out layers (packing of 1 kg);
• Reduces the effect of crumbling in the finished product;
• Margarine does not leak out during proofing;
• Stays chilled between rolling stages;
• When using it, a small amount of flour is required per layer layer;
• If the cooking technology is followed, it acquires a high rise and clearly defined thin layers, easily separated from each other, during the baking process;
• Creamy taste and aroma;
• Golden color of the finished product;
• Cost-effective;
• Friability of confectionery products;
• Airiness;
• Long-term preservation of softness;
• Stability throughout the shelf life;
• Improves the structure of confectionery products;
• The dependence of the dough on the quality of flour is reduced;
• Optimal price/quality ratio.
Packing: 10 kg, box, layers of 1 kg and 2 kg.

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