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Жизнь в Масло-Дел

I choose "Maslodel"

The "MasloDel" company is one of the largest employers in Kazakhstan, and today our team consists of more than 3,000 people. This is the driving force of our business. Our sales team consists of about 1300 people who make sure that "Maslodel" products are available in all corners of Kazakhstan. We are proud of our team and are confident that the HR policy we adopt helps us attract the best employees and ensure the successful development of our company.

We are proud of our team, which consists of highly qualified specialists, talented and motivated employees. The company also adheres to nurturing its own staff based on an internal succession school, offering huge opportunities for professional development and personal growth.

Social support is one of our basic principles. We provide social protection for our employees and their families, including health insurance, pension programs and other forms of social support.

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Я выбираю “Масло-Дел”

Компания “Масло-Дел” является одним из крупных работодателей в Казахстане, и сегодня численность нашей команды составляет более 3000 человек. Это движущая сила нашего бизнеса. Наша торговая команда состоит из порядка 1300 человек, которые заботятся о том, чтобы продукты «МАСЛО-ДЕЛ» были доступны во всех уголках Казахстана. Мы гордимся нашей командой и уверены, что кадровая политика, которую мы принимаем,
помогает нам привлекать лучших сотрудников и обеспечивать успешное развитие нашей компании.

We are proud of our team, which consists of highly qualified specialists, talented and motivated employees. The company also adheres to nurturing its own staff based on an internal succession school, offering huge opportunities for professional development and personal growth.

Social support is one of our basic principles. We provide social protection for our employees and their families, including health insurance, pension programs and other forms of social support.


Life in the "Maslodel"

In addition, the company actively supports the social life of its employees by organizing various corporate events, holidays, events and other events that help strengthen team spirit and maintain good relations between colleagues.

The company takes care of its employees and offers a comfortable workplace for everyone. "Maslodel" LLP provides a canteen for employees of the manufacturing sector and for office staff, in which meals are fully or partially paid for by the company.

Жизнь в Масло-Дел


We are also actively engaged in social responsibility and support various charitable and community programs, such as helping children with disabilities, orphans, those in need, environmental projects and much more.


Our advantages:

- Friendly team;
- Partial and full compensation for meals;
- The opportunity to buy the company's products with a discount for employees;
- Training;
- Internal professional development;
- The opportunity for career and personal growth

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– Дружный коллектив;
- Partial and full compensation for meals;
- The opportunity to buy the company's products with a discount for employees;
– Обучение;
- Internal professional development;
- The opportunity for career and personal growth

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